In our last post, we covered the employee dress code and how to write it. The conduct code is similar in many ways as it is driven by your company culture but must adhere to employment laws.
There is no standard language for an employee code of conduct – each code is unique to the business and seeks to define expected behaviors in addressing the risks, challenges and customs that exist on a day to day basis for the employees. The basic elements of an employee conduct code are:
– Mission, vision, values and how they drive the ethics of the business. Why does your business hold the values it does? What does this allow you to achieve?
– Decision framework. This should be a model for employees to make ethical decisions, particularly in times of hard choices. The decision framework will guide employees in making the right choice on their own and also coach them on when to involve a third party – be it their supervisor or HR.
– Communications systems. How do you communicate? Do you have a whistleblower line? What is the process for notifying someone of issues?
In addition to the basic sections above in order to be in compliance with employment regulation there are 50+ topics that must be included. These things include: harassment, gifts/gratuities, fraud, FMLA, EEO and Affirmative Action, copyrights, expense reimbursements and time recording, diversity, among many more.
Once you have the policy written, have determined that you hit all of the right topics, covered your legal bases and included the mission of the company you then need to implement. The implementation and communication of the plan has legal parameters regarding sharing, posting and distribution. The code needs to also be regularly updated and sent out on an annual basis.
While this may seem overwhelming – it doesn’t have to be. Employer Solutions Plus can help you by pairing you with an expert in the field of HR and employee conduct. Our experts can design a plan that works for your business. Contact us today for a free consultation!
What Tax Records Should You Keep?
/in Accounting, Taxes /by adminThere are few words that can universally make people cringe – among them is the word “taxes.” The brilliant Benjamin Franklin once said “In this world, nothing can be said to be certain, except taxes and death.” While we know we can’t avoid taxes – we do know that we can streamline the record-keeping end of things.
It is important to know what records you need to keep for long-term purposes. This allows you to streamline the process a bit and make your paper trail less burdensome. We have used the IRS’ website to compose a basic list of items that you should keep:
Gross Receipts – these prove business income. These include:
Purchases – these include items that you buy and sell to customers. If you sell finished products or are a manufacturer you should include all receipts for materials and parts. These include:
Expenses – these are costs that you incur to execute your business operations.
Assets – this is a BIG one! These are the property of your business and include both physical and intellectual items. You must keep records for each individual asset that include the following information:
Employment Taxes: Keep ALL tax documents for employees for a minimum of 4 years.
This list is pretty exhaustive and it still doesn’t even cover absolutely everything. As a business owner it may seem overwhelming, which is where we can help. Contact us today to help manage your tax filings – let us do the hard work for you!
Do I Have a Hostile Working Environment?
/in Employees, Working Environment /by adminIs the air in your office so tense it could be cut with a knife? Do you have that one employee that for whatever reason can’t seem to keep their slightly off color jokes to themselves? Does football season bring a sense of anxiety because you have the two guys who love “friendly” competition?
While these things may seem trivial they can breed hostile work environments. A hostile work environment is defined as severe and pervasive conduct that permeates the work environment and interferes with an employee’s ability to perform his or her job. Hostile work environments are actionable in the Equal Employment Opportunity process when it relates to discrimination.
So how do you identify a hostile environment?
Hostile environments can come in many shapes and forms – both caused by employees and management alike. Any of the following behaviors from a superior, peer or report can foster a hostile environment:
It is important as a leader to stay in touch with what is happening in the workplace – at all levels of the business. Managing the work environment can be a tough job – especially if you missed the warning signs and you have fostered a hostile environment. ESP can help you find the right team to support your HR functions and mitigate these types of challenges before they become lawsuits.
Contact us today to find out how we can lend a hand!
What Affects Salary Negotiation?
/in Salary /by adminOnce we understand that, we can continue to look at what is truly included in the negotiation package.
The hiring and negotiating processes can be exhausting, time consuming and frustrating. Looking to hit the easy button and still ensure you are getting the most bang for your buck? Employer Solutions Plus is seasoned in hiring and negotiating with employees. Contact us today to find out how we can take the burden off your back!
What Great Managers Do Differently
/in Employees, Hiring & Firing /by adminWe have all had that one boss – the one who is exhausting to work for, who can never be pleased and who generally makes you hate your job even if it is something that you are passionate about. It happens to the best of us and the only thing we can all do is learn. In life, it is just as important to learn what not to do as it is to learn what to do.
We wanted to share with you a list of 5 things that great managers do differently. At Employer Solutions Plus, we are experts at hiring great people, so we know what differentiates a fantastic manager!
Looking to build a team of great managers? We can help you! Contact us today to find out how.
What NOT to Say During a Job Interview
/in Uncategorized /by adminSo in Part 1 we told you what you SHOULD say during a job interview – now we are getting to the flipside. While we are going to leave out the obvious we will be covering some things that you may have never been alerted to before. While they are not rude or inappropriate they may give the wrong impression and should generally be avoided.
As we mentioned before – landing an interview is tough and once you do you’re going to be in a class of applicants that are top notch. We want to help you put your best foot forward so in addition to doing the do’s you need to avoid the don’ts!
First – do not bad mouth your current employer or boss. Regardless of how tough or uncomfortable your current situation might be – take the high road. If the question is asked “why did you /are you leaving your current employer?” simply state that the opportunity for growth was not on par with what you would like. This response makes you seem ambitious and avoids details around the negative environment.
Next – do not breach confidentiality. We don’t care how badly you want to impress your prospective employer – if you are not allowed to share client names, don’t! This is not only in bad faith but it could also have legal ramifications for breach of confidentiality.
Leave the business jargon at home. Yes – we get it you “ping” people, you see a lot of “synergies” and you think that “socializing” topics internally is important. Refer back to the “do’s” – be authentic – this means leaving the business buzzwords in your briefcase.
Finally, avoid the following topics entirely: politics, religion, controversial current events, personal issues, health or partying. We know that seems like it’s a list full of “duhs” but it never hurts to be reminded of the basics!
Are you a prospective employer that needs help screening clients? Want to get the whole recruiting task off your plate? We can help you! Contact Employer Solutions Plus today to find out more!
What to Say and What Not to Say During a Job Interview
/in Hiring & Firing /by adminIn this two part series we are going to cover the do’s and don’ts of job interview dialogue. We like to lead with our best so this first blog will cover the “do’s” before moving to the don’ts!
So how do you make sure that your rhetoric is up to par? First things first – do your research. You should be able to talk about the company fluently and the market in which they operate. Know the names of the senior leadership and any major (and current) news about the company.
Next – be authentic. Don’t spend the interview tossing around business jargon and buzzwords that you don’t normally use. Be professional but avoid being stuffy. People, especially recruiters, can see right through that.
Talk strategy – when you tell them what you will bring to the table, don’t just say “I have a strong work ethic.” Give them some real, concrete ideas or examples of how you have been an innovator or a leader.
Close the sale – an interview is essentially you selling yourself to the prospective employer. In sales, you want to be emphatic about the next steps, the future and speak to the close. Talk about what comes next in the process and offer follow up actions.
Want to learn more? Follow our blog each week or contact us today to learn more!
What is a Performance Appraisal?
/in Appraisals, Employees /by adminThese appraisals are meant to be objective performance reviews that are based solely on how an employee executes their job – not on their personality or characteristics. It can sometimes be referred to as an annual review, evaluation, professional development benchmark or an employee evaluation. Having these reviews with your employees is a critical business practice.
As an employer, a formal review where you document performance is important for many reasons – one of which is to protect yourself should you need to terminate an employee. Employee reviews should contain honest and candid feedback that has clear, specific examples of any successes or failures.
Collecting the data for these reviews can be daunting – particularly if you have a large population of employees. You first have to determine what the key areas of the form would be, how frequently you want to update the information, who is responsible (usually their direct manager), who is involved in the evaluation process and what impact the evaluations have on employees.
It is important to have an objective scoring process for these reviews. We recommend a numerical scale that also has an area for verbatim comments and feedback. You should also ensure that the employee provides their comments, formally, around the feedback and signs off on the review, the next steps and any other items that were discussed.
We recommend that you utilize a formal system for reviews. Employer Solutions Plus has access to the best and most cost effective performance management systems and would love to set up a free consultation with you to find a process and system that works well for your business.
If you’re currently working with a Professional Employer Organization, they may have a complimentary template you can utilize!
Contact us today to set an appointment!
How to Write an Employee Conduct Code
/in Compliance, Employees /by adminThere is no standard language for an employee code of conduct – each code is unique to the business and seeks to define expected behaviors in addressing the risks, challenges and customs that exist on a day to day basis for the employees. The basic elements of an employee conduct code are:
– Mission, vision, values and how they drive the ethics of the business. Why does your business hold the values it does? What does this allow you to achieve?
– Decision framework. This should be a model for employees to make ethical decisions, particularly in times of hard choices. The decision framework will guide employees in making the right choice on their own and also coach them on when to involve a third party – be it their supervisor or HR.
– Communications systems. How do you communicate? Do you have a whistleblower line? What is the process for notifying someone of issues?
In addition to the basic sections above in order to be in compliance with employment regulation there are 50+ topics that must be included. These things include: harassment, gifts/gratuities, fraud, FMLA, EEO and Affirmative Action, copyrights, expense reimbursements and time recording, diversity, among many more.
Once you have the policy written, have determined that you hit all of the right topics, covered your legal bases and included the mission of the company you then need to implement. The implementation and communication of the plan has legal parameters regarding sharing, posting and distribution. The code needs to also be regularly updated and sent out on an annual basis.
While this may seem overwhelming – it doesn’t have to be. Employer Solutions Plus can help you by pairing you with an expert in the field of HR and employee conduct. Our experts can design a plan that works for your business. Contact us today for a free consultation!
How to Write an Employee Dress Code
/in Compliance, Dress Codes /by adminD
eveloping a dress code may seem like a simple task but it is actually quite complex. From anti-discrimination laws to a change in the culture of business determining, designing a dress code can be tough. Did you know that Employer Solutions Plus can provide you with a resource who will design a code for you that aligns with your culture and needs?
If you choose to go the self-service route we have outlined some guidelines below:
Things to consider:
Steps to take:
These are the types of questions and considerations you need to make. The challenge of designing a code that fits your culture, aligns with laws and has the right procedures and outcomes for measuring adherence can be confusing, time consuming and stressful.
You don’t have to go at it alone though – contact Employer Solutions Plus today to find out how we can address this business challenge!
Employee Dress Code Trends
/in Compliance, Dress Codes, Employees /by adminDrivers of the Casual Dress Code
– Cultural Shift
– It’s Trendy
– Telecommuting
Keeping It Formal
– Tradition
– Culture