The Benefits of Hiring Veterans

Do you want to hire a veteran to play your part in honoring their service? That’s awesome for so many reasons! But were you even aware of all of the business benefits? Here are just 3 of them…

  1. The American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 (ATRA) offers a Work Opportunity Tax Credit to those that have already employed a targeted group member (hired after Dec.31, 2011, and before Jan.1, 2014). For specific information surrounding this tax credit and the steps necessary to file, visit As of February 2014 there is no new information available surrounding the extension of tax credits, but we will work to keep our clients and site visitors informed as new information is released. Contact Employer Solutions Plus at 727-698-6207 with any specific questions.
  2. The majority of veterans in the U.S. have unbelievable work ethic. As an employer, one of the most difficult challenges to overcome in hiring is determining what the worker will be like once they are hired and have already started the job. Referrals and references are only accurate if the previous employer or contact provides honest answers as you conduct your background check. Veterans know the importance of adhering to a strict schedule and performing the very best they can all of the time; the military wouldn’t have it any other way!
  3. Research and employer feedback has shown that loyalty and teamwork are among the top qualities exhibited by veterans. Veterans understand diversity more than most and understand that good communication is critical to success. Many have traveled all over the world and can speak more than one language. They easily work alongside people of all backgrounds and in addition to great communication skills, most veterans are extremely committed to the organizations they work for. This can translate into longer tenure and less turnover at your company.

Have you hired a veteran? What were the benefits your workplace experienced? To learn more about hiring, visit our “Hiring & Firing” section of the Employer Solutions Plus blog or call our team at 727-698-6207.